Kentucky Alaskan Malamutes

Kentucky Alaskan Malamutes


More Current puppy pictures

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Red female 1 SOLD

Our red girl number 1 is a real beauty. She’s big and has a dark red mask with white eyebrows. I expect her to take her looks after her mother even as she continues to grow. She’s doing great and eating well. Just starting to walk around and explore. She’ll be moving around more in no time. 

Gray female 2 SOLD

Our gray girl 2 is a larger female right now. But it’s a close race between them all!  She too has a nice mask and will likely turn out to be a gray to a dark gray with some black in the winter. She is starting to be an explorer. 

Red female 3 SOLD

Red female 3 is the lightest of the litter. Likely to show a little gray with her winter coat and more red with her summer coat. She’s a sweetheart. Loves being held and doesn’t lack in size at all. 

Black and white male 1 SOLD

Black and white male 1 is the darkest of our litter but will likely show signs of gray in his summer coat as he matures. He’s taking after his dad, in the color department and probably size too. They are all good sized especially since there is just the 5 of them to share the food!

Red male 2  SOLD

Red male 2 is the darkest red in the litter. He’s big and always hungry. He’s never shy to the food. He’s also starting to explore like the others.